Flurry Heart: "Before Twilight die in the alicorn extermination, her friends were killed by Vamponies, and she hid her niece in the crystal heart. That crystal is now in the end of equestria, in the temple of the first Alicorn."
Izzy: "I heard of that place no pony have ever go there because the road to it is too dangerous!"
Sunny: "My father went there, but he never came back."
Izzy notice the black pony on the wall.
Izzy: "Who's that?"
Flurry: "heart that's Vex, the boogey pony. She was born from nightmares and the hatred of the three groups. She wants the heart too."
Sunny: "But why does she want the heart?"
Flurry: "To become the most powerful nightmare ever. If she gets the crystal heart first she'll be unstoppable!"
Sunny: "If the alicorns never be wiped out she never be born."
Izzy: "No time for that we need to find the heart before she does!"
Sunny and Izzy run out the cave to the temple of the first alicorn.
Sunny: "Thanks Flurry heart see you soon!"
Flurry Heart: sigh "I never get to tell them there's other ponies living there."