> D'Arcy Spice is the son of Applejack and Caramel
> D'Arcy is Honest, Calm, Hardworking, Stubborn, Helpful, and Kind he is known to put others in front of himself, he isn't tolerant of ponies being lazy and isn't afraid to voice his opinion on any matter he feels like there needs to be. Just like his mother he's usually getting competitive with Prism.
> He serves as the pony of reason when it comes to disputes and knows how to defuse a situation. Just like his mother, family is very important to him and will do anything he can to make sweet apple acres a bit better one apple at a time plus he makes a mean apple pie.
> D'Arcy is Honest, Calm, Hardworking, Stubborn, Helpful, and Kind he is known to put others in front of himself, he isn't tolerant of ponies being lazy and isn't afraid to voice his opinion on any matter he feels like there needs to be. Just like his mother he's usually getting competitive with Prism.
> He serves as the pony of reason when it comes to disputes and knows how to defuse a situation. Just like his mother, family is very important to him and will do anything he can to make sweet apple acres a bit better one apple at a time plus he makes a mean apple pie.
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