> Peach Blossom is the daughter of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh
> Peach is Sweet, Kind, Timid, Quiet, Caring, and Nurturing she loves flowers and is usually asked by ponies for gardening advice, despite being a pegasus she has quite the green thumb when it comes to gardening. She uses her pegasus abilities to help grow her family's apple tree's when they're having a bit of trouble growing, she is close to her parents and helps tend the animals at her mother's sanctuary as well as Sweet Apple Acres.
> She is usually seen with some of the farm animals or tending to some of the plants but sometimes you can also hear her singing, her singing is soft and sweet only her parents had ever heard her sing. She's family orientated like her father and her family she and D'Arcy are very close to one another as well as knowing Prism since they were still foals.
> Peach is Sweet, Kind, Timid, Quiet, Caring, and Nurturing she loves flowers and is usually asked by ponies for gardening advice, despite being a pegasus she has quite the green thumb when it comes to gardening. She uses her pegasus abilities to help grow her family's apple tree's when they're having a bit of trouble growing, she is close to her parents and helps tend the animals at her mother's sanctuary as well as Sweet Apple Acres.
> She is usually seen with some of the farm animals or tending to some of the plants but sometimes you can also hear her singing, her singing is soft and sweet only her parents had ever heard her sing. She's family orientated like her father and her family she and D'Arcy are very close to one another as well as knowing Prism since they were still foals.
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