> I still can't believe that this is the first real MLP fanart I drew digital! ![](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/f/a/facehoofplz.jpg?1)
> I drew Sweetie Belle because I'm currently reading two fanfictions about her, [The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments](http://www.fimfiction.net/story/2593/the-sweetie-chronicles-fragments) and [Three Hundred and Fifty](http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68128/three-hundred-and-fifty), and that just made me love her even more! ![](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/h/heart.gif) I cried like shit while reading Three Hundred and Fifty though. ![](https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/c/cries.gif) I really only can recommend both fictions!
> This picture isn't really a fanart to the fanfictions, just Sweetie Belle. :D
> I still have to practice drawing ponies digital though! XD Especially fillys! D: This didn't turn out like I wanted (damn clouds!) but I'm still somehow happy with it. :3
> I hope you like it…somehow \\;
Feb 26, 2013