> Lighting Bliss' Creamery and Soda Bar: Happy Bday
> For my rainbow amigo [Lightning-Bliss](https://lightning-bliss.deviantart.com/)
> ☹️ I feel really bad that I didn't get the chance to do this yesterday and this isn't the picture that I had originally had in my mind to draw for her birthday. (the original idea was waaaay more epic)
> Anyway I figured she'd like this idea better than just a normal picture of her OC. I mean she's always going on about creamery stuff anyway
> "Milkshake this"
> "Malt that"
> It never ends lol
> Anyway Lightning Bliss is undoubtedly my B.B.F.F …. (best brony friend forever rolls eyes)
> Weirdly enough not only are we the same age… but we share a birthday month as well… Cray right?
> anyway I hope she had a wonderful birthday and has a very blessed year.
> keep it real amigo