Babe #1- Princess Lucine
Full Name: Lucine Jonagold Apple
Title(s): Priestess of Night
Nickname(s): Lucy and Luz by Moira and Goldilocks by her family (Macintosh especially)
Gender: Female
Race: Alicorn
Magic Aura: White
Age (In HYs): 18
Birthday: October 13
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Residence: Canterlot, Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres (during her breaks)
For a time she travels around equestria gathering the latest news with her loyal team
Family: Big Macintosh (Father), Luna (Mother), Maverick (Younger Brother), Applejack (Aunt), Applebloom (Aunt), Granny Smith (Great-Grandmother), Celestia (Aunt)