> ———————————————————————————————————
> Sunny galloped down the main street of Maretime Bay, the biggest grin on her face from her new discovery. She had to find Blaze and tell him what she learned! But as she approached the sheriff’s office, she halted at the sight of Blaze speaking to Sprout. From there, she felt the need to approach cautiously as a crowd began forming behind the smaller stallion. Her ears pricked attentively as their voices were loud enough to catch.
> “Sprout- what is all this? Why are you wearing my badge?” Blaze began, pointing out the crowd and the shiny little star on Sprout’s bandana. The smaller stallion only grinned confidently, obviously proud of himself.
> “I did what you asked, Sheriff! I took care of the situation here in Maretime Bay while you were away. In fact- I stepped up, and as the head of the law in your place, I decided we’re going to fight back against the pegasi and unicorns rather than sit around and wait for some quote-unquote “inevitable fate”. And I have all of the town to back me up! Aren’t you proud?” He responded. Blaze’s eyes widened, perturbed. From his exposure to both unicorns and pegasi alike… he knew this wasn’t needed. He had to set things straight as the head sheriff.
> “Well… I’m glad you took the time to be concerned about the possibility of an attack…” He began, a shaky smile spreading on his face. “But—”
> “Oh by the way, where’s Sunny? And that… eugh… unicorn? I thought you were going to throw them in prison? Did your solo mission not go so well, Blaze?” Sprout cut him off, still grinning as he fiddled with the badge he wore. At the mention of her name, Sunny ducked behind a building as she continued listening. Blaze heaved a sigh.
> “Actually- that’s what I wanted to talk to you and everyone about. Sunny- she… her and Argyle were right, Sprout. About friendship, and the other races not being terrible! Turns out- neither of them have magic, they can’t shoot lasers or- or take off with us into the sky or whatever. I met a couple of them that were actually decent-”
> “Whoa whoa whoa.” Sprout held up a hoof, his grin fading, drooping into a disappointed and confused frown. “You’re- you can’t be serious? Are you playing a joke on me, Sheriff? Haha. Good one.” Sprout attempted to prod, forcing another smile back onto his face as he punched Blaze lightly on the shoulder. Blaze’s ears were pinned back, and his smile was gentle- sweet… but weak. He looked… exhausted, and his eyes held doubt. Sunny felt like something bad was going to happen at any moment.
> “No, I’m not joking. So there’s no need for some crazy attack plan, Sprout.” Blaze held out a hoof, the underside facing up. “Now… can I have my badge back, Buddy?”
> Sprout’s eyes wandered around to either side of him, looking at the crowd that was now loyally his, though he could see their wavering expressions. He was terrified. This had to be a joke- no- something must have happened to Blaze, that’s why he’s acting this way! He placed a hoof over the badge, his face twisting into a sneer. “No.”
> “Sprout, don’t do this-”
> “What did the unicorns and pegasi offer you, huh? Protection from their ambushes? Wealth? Magic of your own?” Sprout stepped a bit closer, baring his teeth at someone who he used to consider a friend. Why was he ever jealous of this guy? Suddenly, Sprout couldn’t seem to remember, the thought of being betrayed fogging over any other memories. Why would he be jealous of someone who has blatantly admitted to breaking the loyalty he has to his own kind? Someone who is now pandering to the ones that were always said to be their enemy? Is he trying to get them all killed or imprisoned?
> “They didn’t offer me any of that! I’m just telling you that we don’t have to fight! We can be in peace- there’s no need for attacking or war!”
> Sprout turned towards the group behind him. “Are you all hearing this? The one you thought so highly of is some racial peace activist now!” He turned back towards Blaze, ears pinned as well now. “There is no peace between races, Blaze! They may seem all pleasant at first, but this is them when they don’t have magic, so you say! What if they get it back? What if they get bored? Huh? What then? Are you just going to sit idly by while they come in, zapping us with their magic? Brainwashing us? Swooping down and abducting us one by one, including the elderly and children to be brought to do Equestria knows what?” He glanced back at the crowd before backing up, standing beside his fellow earth ponies, center stage. “Because I know for sure that I won’t!”
> The group seemed to agree, their eyes showing their disdain, fear, and hurt towards Blaze. They began raising their voices, throwing snide remarks and angry complaints. Blaze also felt hurt. He was so loved, trusted, and known for being a competent staple in their society. Did any of that mean nothing to these ponies now? Was it that easily washed away, just because of someone else’s theoretical ideas? He opened his mouth and spoke over the angry mob. “I’m not being disloyal to you all! Is it so bad to just want everyone to get along? To not have to fear?”
> “Oh, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze… just how stupid are you?” Sprout growled, leaping forward. “There’s always the possibility of violence and you dismiss it! Reality is not some candy-coated story where everything is fine! Where everyone does some dumb dance and song number and then boom! A happy ending! Stop being so naïve! Now, are you going to drop this peace-loving good boy act and come to the side you're supposed to be on? Or are you going to continue with this thought?”
> Sunny perked up, approaching once again from the shadows as she watched from the sidelines. Blaze’s expression showed his sorrow that he tried to keep in, but he looked like a geyser about to erupt. “I’m sticking to my plan… I know this can work. I know it can. We can really do this! Just wait and see!—”
> “No. I won’t wait for that destruction and hellfire because of your pacifist ideas. Now’s the time for fighting back! Now… get out of Maretime Bay, Blaze. I’ll be permanently taking over the position of sheriff now, and as my first decree, I declare that both you and Sunny are exiled from this town!” Sprout yelled out, approaching Blaze, eyes lit with an inner fury.
> “Sprout, you’re crazy! This is my home! You can’t just usurp me-”
> “Oh, but I just did. And this isn’t your home anymore.” Sprout snarled. The mob began inputting their two cents worth again.
> “You’re going to get us all killed, Blaze!”
> “Why did you have to become like that bubble-headed motormouth? She’s nothing but trouble, Blaze, you know this! Now there’s two, thanks to you!”
> “Do we mean nothing to you? At all?”
> “Keep those unicorns and pegasi away from us!”
> “You’re a traitor!”
> Each sentence shook Blaze to his core, his stomach curling into a knot, and he had a feeling like a knife repeatedly stabbing his soul. His jaw set as he gritted his teeth. “I just wanted—”
> “Traitor!” More chimed in.
> “I just—”
> “Traitor!”
> They got increasingly closer as Blaze backed away, his tail skimming the guardrail now. His lip quivered as the thought of puking sounded enticing at that moment. He felt so incredibly sick… “I-I…”
> “Traitor! Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!” They all chanted over and over, their glares intense. And then, Sunny saw something she had never seen from Blaze before. Ever. His legs trembled as his backside was pressed against the rail now. His tail was tucked between his legs, eyes averted as they welled with hot tears, proceeding to roll down his cheeks. Blaze’s walls- built from love, adoration, confidence, and a tad bit of ego- were now nothing but dust, and the stallion found himself at his weakest. Sunny couldn’t stand this any longer, this was her childhood friend that tolerated her all these years, even if he didn’t agree about how real her dreams of peace could be. And now that he did… he was getting the same resentment, only turned up to an extreme level. Seeing Blaze cry silently to himself as the crowd yelled at him further made her break into a run, butting into him to tear him away. For a moment he tumbled and fell to the ground, as the mob looked at them, shocked. He shook his head and looked up at her.
> “Sunny?—”
> “C’mon, Blaze, we gotta run!” She bellowed out, helping him to his hooves before they bolted away. One of the crowd members attempted to follow them, but Sprout raised a foreleg to stop him.
> “Let ‘em go.”
> “But, Sir- won’t they recruit the pegasi and unicorns?”
> “They most likely will, yes… but…” Sprouts cocky grin returned, a small, devious cackle traveling up from his throat. “When they try and fight, they’ll soon realize they’re on the losing side.”