> adopts #4-6 [open]
> SB: 500Points
> MI: 100Points
> AB: 1700Points
> **The auction ends 48 hours after the last bid! (or earlier)
> [light cherry blossom](https://diegovainilla.deviantart.com/art/light-cherry-blossom-651176268) RULES[light cherry blossom](https://diegovainilla.deviantart.com/art/light-cherry-blossom-651176268)**
> [pink flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-flower-F2U-bullet-706418246) Do not resell the character for the amount higher than the one you spent on it (the value of the art is added to the purchase amount)
> [pink flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-flower-F2U-bullet-706418246) Resale on other sites is prohibited
> [pink flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-flower-F2U-bullet-706418246) Resale for the next owner is prohibited!
> [pink flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-flower-F2U-bullet-706418246) When reselling within 24 hours you must provide a link to the new owner
> [pink flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-flower-F2U-bullet-706418246) After payment I send you a picture in good quality without a watermark [pink 2 flower — F2U bullet](https://yesirukey.deviantart.com/art/pink-2-flower-F2U-bullet-706418231)
> **1. CLOSED
> OWNER: [Яна Царёва](https://vk.com/id414957181)
> ****2. CLOSED
> OWNER: **[acervine](https://acervine.deviantart.com/)
> OWNER: [Feligriffin](https://feligriffin.deviantart.com/)