
“Okay, how about we crash the Summer Sun Celebration!”


“Aww, c’mon, Rottie! It’d be great!”

Rotgut huffed in an unmistakably questioning manner. Well, it was unquestionable to Scrapjack. Anyone else would probably just assume something had been tickling her nose.

“Because it’s a waste of this city’s time! The whole point of it used ta be celebratin’ Celestia and Luna. Now that King Batshit’s in charge, he made it all about himself and his even-more-batshit dad! Fuckin’ narcissist is what he is. Imagine how pissed he’d be if we ruined his little royal circlejerk and blew up those gold statues of ‘im! Y’know, the ones where Celestia and Luna’s monuments used ta be,” Scrapjack snarled.

“We were not even alive to see the reign of the royal sisters.” Rotgut pointed out.

“Pfft. Still! They were good ponies! They gave a shit at the very least. Even about ‘brids. Celestia’s kid—er, student? Protégé? They started a school for non-ponies or somethin’ didn’t they? What was their name? Sparkler? Light Sparkler?”

Rotgut remained silent. Evidently, she didn’t remember either.

“Eh, that ain’t the point. Point is that kid cared. And so did the princesses! And I’m not gonna sit around and watch some clown with a crown erase everything they did and then stomp on their graves.”


Scrapjack sighed. “Yeah, yeah, yer right. Don’t want him gettin’ mad at the wrong folks.”

There was silence for a moment before Scrapjack continued.


“You already have a plan, don’t you?”

“Ha! You know I do, Rots! And we’re gonna make sure that rat bastard knows exactly who was behind it.”

She shuffled up on Rotgut’s back and leaned forward to rest between her horns.

“Okay, first we’re gonna need a lotta napalm.”

A silly doodle based off dialogue by silver-ops! I've had this sitting around but it seems like I'm never gonna line or color it so here it is as a sketch. They did end up wrecking the SSC rather beautifully— they even gave the king a black eye when some debris flew at him too fast for him to dodge. Scrapjack was absolutely ecstatic.


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