> 7th Oct 2021, 6:00 AM in [Magical Mystery Cure](http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/57105)
> Sometimes you have to choose between an NPC mentor figure laying it all out and letting your players put together the pieces. I always find it more satisfying if the players are the ones who get to explain the big reveals, personally, even if you have to nudge them a bit.
> Note: Now accepting guest comic submissions! Rules [here](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602). Current deadline: November 10th.
> Princess Celestia: And this discovery doesn't just benefit all of Equestria and your friends. It means a great change for you, Twilight, as well.
> Twilight Sparkle: That's great and all, but I'm still not sure I fully understand what I did! I was just trying to figure out the harmonious power that the Elements bring out, and now I'm here in the Destiny Dimension.
> Princess Celestia: I know, and I apologize. I know this is overwhelming. There's a lot to explain. But you would know better than I what you did. How about you lay it all out?
> Twilight Sparkle: Well, everything exploded when I completed the spell that unlocks the true power of friendship… And if what you say is true, this is the culmination of generations of advanced magical research… …And I just remembered that my Cutie Mark represents my specialty in magic, which makes this a pretty big deal for me… So… I'm here in this starry field because… I'm about to become the avatar of the Magic of Friendship?
> Princess Celestia: Exactly. And I'm so proud of you.
> Pinkie Pie: Woohoo!!
> Fluttershy: Yay!
> Rarity: Congratulations!
> Applejack: Nice work!
> Rainbow Dash: Sounds like that comes with some sweet perks!
> Princess Celestia: Oh yes, perks aplenty! And responsibilities! \So\ many responsibilities.
> Twilight Sparkle: …Maybe we just focus on defeating Discord first?