> Sweet Spot Breedable(CLOSED)
> this is an open breedable for character sweet spot
> 5 slots will be opened and each person can breed with sweet spot 3 times if they get a slot
> each breedings i will make 6 foals,you can get one free and if you want the others you will get a discount
> no repeating of a single breeding (meaning you cant breed with sweet spot with the same pony you bred with her before)
> 1.slot by [XxTailsyTailsxX](https://xxtailsytailsxx.deviantart.com/)
> 2.slot by [bunny-loverX3](https://bunny-loverx3.deviantart.com/)
> 3.slot by [Colette123](https://colette123.deviantart.com/)
> 4.slot by [KatSaysShutUp](https://katsaysshutup.deviantart.com/)
> 5.slot by [RevengePonyArtist](https://revengeponyartist.deviantart.com/)
> breeding is free
> base is by [perfectnesspony](https://perfectnesspony.deviantart.com/) thank you
> also if you get a slot,you can download this image and put in your pony,that would be very helpful,but if you want i can also do your pony