
I decided that I was gonna re-work on ALL the designs I came up with for my Main Next-Gen in regards to the parents.
I'm adding new things or changing up a look to keep more with how the show went/ended.

Changes: — Didn't change her design from the one I did before
- Tail is inspired by Quanno3 (no longer available)
- Mane is inspired by her Equestria Girl hair.

Pallet help from MLP-VectorClub…

General Info:
Name- Sweetie Belle
Title/Occupation- Teacher at the School of Friendship / Singer
Age- 30
Gender- Female
Sexual orientation- straight
Relationship Status- Married
Spouse- Button Mash


Other Family-
Hondo Flanks- Father
Cookie Crumbles- Mother
Rarity- Sister
Trenderhoof- Brother-in-law
Poinsettia — Niece
Amethyst Shine -Niece
Jackson -Nephew


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