
Artist's comment:

![]( ![]( Oh, for the love of… ERI! What on Earth…?! O_o
![]( ![]( I had a scratch
![]( ![]( One?!
![]( ![]( …
![]( ![]( I'm a doctor! :happybounce:
![]( ![]( Stop wasting my medical supplies! Your carrot won't recover! I promise. Rage
![]( ![]( I've found some empty carrot chip bags, by the way
![]( ![]( Uh-oh…

Every. Single. Day. Grump

Just a few more days. I need a hot bath and some relaxing music. Maybe a cup of coffee.


28. Crispy. >>2734356 <<< Navigation >>> 30. Slither. >>2736847


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