> 23rd Oct 2021, 6:00 AM in [Magical Mystery Cure](http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/57105)
> The characters in the show generally made sure not to lean too hard on Princess Twilight's new power and connections early on (save for the Cutie Mark Crusaders). These are tabletop players, though, so just as a matter of practicality, they're going to want to squeeze as much of an advantage as they can out of this.
> Note: Now accepting guest comic submissions! Rules [here](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602). Current deadline: November 10th.
> Rainbow Dash: So how serious is this Princess power? Like, can we arrest anyone we don't like now?
> Fluttershy: Maaaybe going full tyrant would be a bad idea…
> Applejack: Doesn't seem like Twilight's style, anyways.
> Twilight Sparkle: Still, you bring up a good point… This is a LOT. How much am I going to be expected to rule? Will I do it wisely? Will I be popular, or will I have to deal with those that hate me? Not to mention Discord…
> DM: Celestia gently places a hoof on your shoulder.
> Princess Celestia: Being an alicorn Princess means ponies will look to you for guidance, leadership, and protection. But like you said, all of that can wait until after Discord. And even then, we'll start slow. I'm sure you and your friends will be able to find a few perks along the way. Chances are, you won't have to worry about day-to-day expenses ever again.
> Pinkie Pie: "Wait, I can expense my party supplies?!" Pinkie Pie does a spit-take!
> DM: … Thank you thank you \thank you\ for not acting that out in real life.
> Pinkie Pie: Well, yeah! There's too much paper in the blast zone!