
I just keep on making new characters because I'm bored


Name: Golden Hour
Nicknames: Goldie, Halo, Hal
Parents: Twilight and Applejack (Discord as a biological parent)
Gender: Demiboy (he/they/xe/fae/sky/sun/aie)
Species: Draconequus
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Siblings: 3 Unnamed
Special talent: ~

Personality/random facts:

-Has a star shaped scar on his neck
-Has huge owl eyes that the pupils of are always dilated. Their eyes are also very sensitive to light because of this and they like to cover them with his bangs
-Makes a lot of owl noices (hoots, whistles, screeches, screams, purrs, snorts, chitters, hisses)
-Can turn head around like and owl
-Preens themself a lot
-More nocturnal, evenings are xyr favorite time of the day
-BIG boy
-Absolute sweetheart
-There is either a LOT going on in their head at all times or it's empty and void of a single thought
-Lowkey becomes a dumbass if he's comfrotable enough with you to open up and be himself


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