
Originally posted on: November 10, 2015, 11:03 PM UTC
> Xavier West| SOLD
> The other side:
> [Xavierotherside by RoyvdHel-Art](
> Has a Human design as well!
> [Xavier by RoyvdHel-Art](
> and other art featuring him:
> [](
> Name: Xavier West
> Nicknames: West, Captain Grumpy, The Compass, dork.
> Age: Depicted here: Around 40
> **Race: **Unicorn (Both mother and father are a unicorn, but has an earth pony grandfather from which he inherited his build)
> Height: […](
> Build: Xavier is quite big compared to most ponies, both because of his length and general sturdy build. He is muscular but has a medium layer of fat over them.
> Likes: Writing, Mermaids, Fruit, Bar songs, reading his stories to other ponies, especially foals, foals in general, Scents like wet wood, seaweed, Candles, working with his hands, Crabs, not too strong incense, myths, coffee.
> Dislikes/Fears: **Disrespect towards others because they are "lower" than you, Rum, fish, the dark, rain.
> Cutie mark: **A Sea/Treasure map with a pen, he's not completely sure what it means. It could be referring to how he used to be really good at drawing and reading maps or it could refer to the books he's currently writing, about his life as a pirate and afterwards. (His writing is very down to earth and to the point, making his stories easy to read but very enjoyable and vivacious.)
> Personality: Xavier might be intimidating at first sight, especially for a unicorn, from the inside, however, he's a kind and gentle soul. He is generally polite, a good listener, helpful and is indifferent to silly things like social status. As kind as he might be, he does have a short fuse. He is really sensitive to boarish and disrespectful behaviour, especially towards mares, and won't doubt about setting someone straight if he catches someone acting unnecessary rude/impolite. He talks in a few words, but thinks in many, he's prone to overthink situations. He's not great expressing or explaining his emotions/feelings, often causing him to eventually "explode in frustration", he's quite emotional and it frustrates him that he can't express those feelings well. As he is slowly intergrading into normal society more and more, however, he's improving. He's not a big people-person, usually prefer the company of a few over large groups, though he does really like being around children and one day, hopes to have some of his own.
> Worst habit: Irregular Eating, keeping his troubles inside instead of talking about them, smoking (although he doesn't do this that often anymore, because of aromatic), Bad sleeping habits (Nightmares).
> **Bio: **He's an ex-pirate, his job was to draw, help with and read maps and he was generally the personal adviser/right hoof of his captain. When the captain died, Xavier took over but only for a few years, the ship eventually got blown up by rival pirates and he lost most of his crew members. This is an event that still haunts him to this day. He and the remaining crew (3/4 members) decided it was best to all take their own paths, it was time to settle down.
> Xavier had been living at sea his whole life and wasn't ready to give up yet and abandon his adventures through. He decided to write his adventurous tales down after being convinced by his old teammates and friends. Soon after he bought a small houseboat. A few years later, his books became popular quite fast and he now earns a secure income from writing. Much to his surprise he actually got used to the peaceful lifestyle quite easily. He doesn't talk much through and finds socializing with other pony a bit hard sometimes…which from time to time causes some awkward situations with fans.
> Random facts:
> -His voice, when he uses it, is very deep a tad raspy from him frequently smoking the pipe.
> -He has a knack for maths/astrology but is very bad at learning new languages.
> -His horn is simply a birth/gene defect, it doesn't have special powers and Xavier actually isn't very good at using magic.
> -He has this weird …I wouldn't call it an obsession but strong interest in mermaids/kelpies nobody knows why tho, although nobody probably asked him haha.
> -He packs a really mean punch, even though he might be a bit rusty.
> Objects on the left side of the picture: **What his magic look like, accessories like: his Ink and Quill/ when he as still a pirate; A Harpoon/ smoke bombs/ "throwing" knives and an illustration of a mermaid, because he likes those and a XXX tattoo which is visible on his other side.
> **Pets: -

> **Extra: **There is a rumour that the scar on his throat is caused by a siren and that the cloth around his front leg is part of a flag from his old ship, he always wears it.
> A review he's featured in […](


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