> A years difference
> The two drawings above were made exactly a year from each other! and safe to say i'm a happy artist to see how far my art has come since then, i have been drawing for about 7 years but i haven't felt this proud ever about my art!!
> I really think i have improved and that i actually getting more out of comfort zone trying new things especially this month!!
> To get where i am was a tough road but i am proud of myself for continuing on doing something i love and to see other people happy and loving my art and paying for it means a lot to me
> I know there are still haters out there, that don't like my art or say i haven't improved, tell me to change things to their liking or even tell me to change to a different style cause it's getting boring!(yep has happened!) or even called me a tracer just cause i don't use guidelines or just presume i am to get attention, the world isn't perfect i know that.
> BUT !!
> It't's my style ! my own style i have created through sweat and tears for many years but i am happy with it and that's what counts, thinking about how i am enjoying it and not just doing it for the people, i do think about the people too and listen to their advice but it's also healthy to think about how you feel about your art not about what others think or want you to do with it, create things you want to and be happy with what you create.
> Nothing can stand in the way of you and your creativity!
> Art by me
> Character belongs to [Victorious02](https://www.deviantart.com/victorious02) and [LittleAmberd](https://www.deviantart.com/littleamberd)