> Second, a toast to Captain Hoers, the artist behind Firestarter Spitfire!
> Third, a toast to the Tumblrpon community!
> Mod: It feels like a bit of an honour to be able to create a reply like this.. Why you may ask? Many years ago, this was one of the first blogs I discovered here on Tumblr. It inspired me to want to create, not just for myself, but to create and interact with others through art. As I wasn’t much of an artist back then, it felt like a blog of my own was always going to be out of reach, and even if one day I managed to get there, I always figured you would have moved on and I would have missed any chance to interact. Somehow, someway, while many others left, you stayed.
> Here and now is my chance! To thank you for the art, the time you invested and the inspiration you gave not only to me, but to us all! Thank you! All the best in your future projects and endeavours! I’m excited to see what you will share with us next!