Originally posted on: June 7, 2021, 12:45 AM UTC
> Princess Sunset Shimmer
> Here's a little fun concept I made if Sunset Shimmer was an Alicorn. In my opinion, despite Sunset being cruel and abandoning her studies in the past. I think she still deserves to be a princess after Redeeming herself for her actions. She's a ruler and princess of forgiveness as well co-ruler with Twilight Sparkle in my future headcanon.
> Credits
> Sunset Shimmer belongs to Lauren Faust/Hasbro.
> Art made in Ibis Paint X.
> Base by: [SnowMaliy](https://www.deviantart.com/snowmaliy).
> Base link here: [Base # 3](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/807029163)
> Princess Sunset Shimmer
> Here's a little fun concept I made if Sunset Shimmer was an Alicorn. In my opinion, despite Sunset being cruel and abandoning her studies in the past. I think she still deserves to be a princess after Redeeming herself for her actions. She's a ruler and princess of forgiveness as well co-ruler with Twilight Sparkle in my future headcanon.
> Credits
> Sunset Shimmer belongs to Lauren Faust/Hasbro.
> Art made in Ibis Paint X.
> Base by: [SnowMaliy](https://www.deviantart.com/snowmaliy).
> Base link here: [Base # 3](https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/807029163)
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