Chuckles is a filly who can see through just about anybody's bullshit, no matter how friendly they seem. She will not hesitate to call you out when you're being passive-aggressive, lying through your teeth, or just being an asshole in general. One of her favorite things to do is annoy the absolute shit out of ponies who she knows are huge jerks. That stuffy old unicorn made a subtly racist comment about griffons? Time to follow him around with a megaphone singing Mambo No. 5 in his face! And then give him a stern talking-to about his behavior when he finally gets so annoyed that he tries to magic her out of existence. She knows this isn't the best way to deal with these kinds of ponies, but she also knows that she's too small and adorable to be taken seriously, and that most of them aren't willing to change anyway. If you can't beat 'em, make 'em wish you had!