“What?” Cloud Spirit replied from the top of the stairs. “Let’s go for a fly. I think we should talk about what happened,” she told her. “No. I don’t think we need to. Plus, I don’t want to.” Cloud said.
“Please, C. I think we need to. And I want to,” Rainbow added. Cloud Spirit rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said, then trotted down. Rainbow put her wing around her as a thank you.
They soared for a few minutes, into the great blue of the sky. Rainbow could see the mountains and Ponyville from up their. Equestria was so huge, yet small compared to the world they were in. Maybe that’s how her family problems were like. Huge, in her point of view but small compared to everyone else and their problems. But since she wasn’t in anyone else’s live excepted hers, she needed to fix this. She needed to make her daughter see she wasn’t a bad mom.
“I’m not mad at you, Cloud.” Rainbow said to her as her wings flapped through the air. “I’m just… afraid.”
“Afraid?” Cloud Spirit repeated, looking skeptical. “Afraid of what, exactly?”
She sighed. “I’m afraid you’re spending all your time away from the Wonderbolts. I think you aren’t understanding how important this is for you.”
Cloud bit her lip. “You mean for you,” she corrected her. Rainbow Dash stared at her daughters annoyed face. “What? No, I want you’re future to be great. You’re just not letting me show you that.”
“You’re the one who doesn’t understand, mom.” Cloud Spirit said, angrily. “You have this… this… PLAN for my life, and I appreciate you’re help with everything, but I want to be my own pony. I don’t want the future you want.” She said, pointing to her.
“But it’s what’s best for you! I’m trying to make you have the best life, Cloud Spirit! I love you so much and that’s what moms do,” Rainbow replied.
“Moms make their kids to unbearable work outs with burly Pegasi on the weekends? Moms don’t care if my wings are about to fall off? Moms don’t care about me, they just care about my future?” Cloud Spirit asked.
“I… I’m not like that… am I?” Rainbow asked, her heart breaking.
Cloud Spirit growled, then soared down to the grass. She ran to Ponyville, without looking back at her mother.
Rainbow hovered in the air, watching her own daughter run away from her. Great, the voice said. You made things 120% worse.
”sigh Some mom I am. I can’t even have a simple conversation with her, and now… she thinks I’m the worst mom ever.” Rainbow said.
She flew back to her house, slower than usual. As she stepped inside, Soarin’ came downstairs. “Hey Dashie. Where’d you go?” He asked her stretching his wings. “I was out flying with Cloud Spirit. Thought I could tell her everything, but ended up making myself the victim.”
Soarin’ rested his wing on her back. “You’re doing your best. I think things will get better. Just give her some space,” Soarin’ said, in a comforting voice.
“Ug. You’re always acting like your so smart, Soar.” Rainbow said, giving him a playful punch. “Am I?” he asked. “Well, it’s working, huh?”
She gave him a kiss, then got a glass of water from the sink. As she opened the cupboard, she noticed a small white picture taped on the way back. She peeled it off, then looked at it. It was faded, but she could see exactly what was going on.
A tall pony stood next to her, wearing the most ridiculous tuxedo she’d seen. Teenage Dash stood next to him, wrapping a wing around his shoulder.
The night of the dance. When I met… him.
“What’s that, hon?” Soarin’ asked, waking over. She fumbled it in his hooves, then tucked it under her wing. “Oh, nothing. Just a sticky note reminding us to buy some milk. I think we ran out.” Dash lied.
“So soon?” Soarin’ asked. “Yeah, I guess Sunny is getting into baking again,” she snorted.
“Is he still asleep?” She asked. “Gotta get him up for school,” she told him.
As Soarin’ walked back up the stair to wake up her son, Rainbow looked at the photo one last time. Zephyr had a bright smile on, like he was actually happy to be with her.
He said he loved me, Rainbow thought. But he left me. Left us. When we needed him most. I will never forgive him for that.
As the hoof steps of her still half-asleep son and the rest of her family came down the stairs, she knew they couldn’t see this. They had no idea about Zephyr either. How could she tell them that Cloud Spirit was their half sister?
I just have to tell Cloud Spirit. I don’t necessarily have to tell them. Just her.
Rainbow clutched the picture in her hooves. She thought about ripping it. Throwing it off a cliff, burning it. But she just… couldn’t. For some twisted reason, she didn’t want to erase Zephyr from her life, completely. Without him… she wouldn’t have her daughter.
It’s true. The voice in her head spoke. You have him to thank for your daughter, it said. What? No! I don’t. I have nothing to thank him for. I… I hate him.
Then crumple the picture. Erase him. Forever.
I… Rainbow help the picture closer. I… can’t. I just can’t.
If you won’t forget him, then you must tell her the truth. She’s apart of him, wether you like it or not.
He chose to leave us! He’ll never be apart of us.
Rainbow tucked the picture back under her wing.
I swear on Celestia’s Sun, Zephyr Breeze Shy will never see my daughter, or me. Ever. Again.