
Originally posted on: February 13, 2020, 9:50 PM UTC
> MLP[NG SilverVerse] Sunny Rise
> Name:
> Sunny Rise
> Nicknames:
> Sunny, Sunbutt (only by Silver)
> Species:
> Unicorn
> Gender:
> Female
> Family:
> Duke Eclipse( father of Sunny, son of Celestia)
> Lady Sunset Shimmer(mother)
> Silveria Midnight( second cousin, adoptive sister)
> Celestia(grandmother)
> Sir Romul (grandfather)
> Luna (second grandmother)
> Emperor Morpheus(second grandfather)
> Princess Cassiopeia(second aunt)
> Sir Cepheus(second uncle)
> (they are both are missing)
> Friends:
> She is have a lot of friends,but they're all aren't real.
> Character:
> Some selfish, bouncy, but don't mean. She loves everyone, even if loves herself.She's don't like the hypocrisy, but don't see them next to her. Honest and ho-tempered.
> Element of unity: Sincerity
> MLP FIM style:
> [1559631153596 by Just-Silvushka](


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