“No, I stopped gaining weight at around 880 pounds, give or take,” Princess Twilight Sparkle replied as she gently prodded the vast and immense belly before her. ”Sunset here must be at least 1100 pounds!”
“You can tell just by looking at her?”
“What? Can’t you?”
Suddenly, a loud and beastly snore from Sunset interrupted the two pony girls, stopping them mid-conversation as they slowly took a few steps back.
After a brief pause to ensure the sleeping giant was truly in a feast-induced coma, Starlight quietly continued. “Guess she'll be out of it for the next several hours now. I just can’t believe how much she’s grown in just a few months since I’ve seen her.”
“With the way she was stuffing herself, it doesn’t surprise me. I’ve never seen anyone eat that much before. Well, except maybe Pinkie Pie. I’m guessing she was much smaller last time you visited?
“If you can consider someone taking up an entire couch small.”
“Well, regardless, it sounds like she’s starting to gain weight faster than we realized. You know, I didn’t even know how bad it had gotten until she showed me those old pictures of Fluttershy and Rarity.”
“Yeah, same here. But every time she wrote to us, she always made it sound like everything was all well and good.”
“To be fair, that does seem to be the case health-wise. Still, I just wish I wasn't so careless back when I performed that weight loss spell.”
As Twilight looked down in shame, Starlight simply rolled her eyes in response. “Oh, would you stop beating yourself up about it? It was a surge of magic from an old, dusty spell book that leaked through one of the many portals that opened up during the Friendship Games.” She then reached out and placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, continuing to reassure her. “You couldn’t have known any of this would happen.”
The princess could only blushed back, frankly a little embarrassed that she still felt quite guilty for the incident. “Well, nevertheless,” Twilight sighed, “if Sunset doesn’t stop growing soon, she’s going to have a whole new set of problems. It’s not going to be easy if she’s still living on her own.”
Starlight quickly interjects. “That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about. I know we have plenty of other things going on back in Equestria, but I’m starting to think that at this point, one of us will have to start making weekly visits. So, what if I…”
“What if you started making weekly visits?” Twilight wondered out loud, accidentally cutting off her friend.
“Oh! Well… yeah!” Starlight grinned back, “That’s exactly what I was thinking!”
“And then, whenever I can, I’ll come along and help with whatever you two need. Or whatever anyone else needs, for that matter.”
“Oh. Well…” Starlight suddenly becomes hesitant. “I don’t know if we both need to be more involved. I mean, you do have your princessy duties and all.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure we can make some arrangements back home if we need to. Hopefully we’ll have things worked out on our end by some time after Hearth’s Warming Eve.”
Once again interrupting, Sunset’s belly growled softly, begging to be fed with more food.
“Wha- How in Equestria is she hungry again?!” Twilight exclaimed in a hushed tone.