
Gallus: Now you're going to see why me and Silverstream make a perfect tag duo! It's my turn, I draw, from my claw, I activate the continuous spell card, Water Hazard, if I control no Monsters, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my claw! So, I Special Summon, Glacial Beast Polar Penguin! When this monster is Special Summoned, I can send a monster on the field back to your hoof! I choose the only monster you have left. Next I Normal Summon, Aura Wing! I'll activate another continuous spell card from my claw, White Fish Salvage! This lets me bring back a Fish monster and add it to our claw, I choose Silent Sea Nettle! (The card returned from Silverstream's GY to her claw, she smiled at her partner) and now I'll tune Level 3 Glacial Beast Polar Penguin with Aurora Wing! (Silverstream nodded at him, and he smirked) Now I activate our trap! Call of The Haunted to bring back Silent Angler! You've seen the devastating power of Silverstream's Xyz's summons, but now it's time to taste the ocean power of Synchro! Level 3 Glacial Beast Polar Penguin tunes Level 4 Aura Wing! I Synchro Summon, Level 7 White Aura Monoceros! Then I activate the second face down, my partner left me! I activate, Surface, to bring back Glacial Beast Polar Penguin! Now I tune it with White Aura Monoceros to Synchro Summon, the scourge of the Ocean! Come forth, Level 10 White Aura Bihamut! Next, I activate Monster Reborn to bring back White Aura Monoceros!


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