> Hossy Hosses
> [dream-unity](https://dream-unity.tumblr.com/) asked me to draw either Minty or Tempest Shadow given they’re two of my favorites from the Horse Franchise. Why go with “or” when I can go with “and” yaknowwhatimean
> If I were to try and fit these two into my own pony lore, I’d say Minty is some goober who lives in Paradise Estates, hoards socks, and has kleptomaniac tendencies. Also she always leads the town in its celebration of, like, any holiday ever.
> Tempest would have the same villain redemption arc as FiM canon, except it’d be made ever more ironic by her being half unicorn, half big sibling pony (hence her towering stance and non-leonid tail) and her long abandoned mission having involved friendship.
> (pls dont ask for requests thnx)
Dec 29, 2020
> [dream-unity](https://dream-unity.tumblr.com/) asked me to draw either Minty or Tempest Shadow given they’re two of my favorites from the Horse Franchise. Why go with “or” when I can go with “and” yaknowwhatimean
> If I were to try and fit these two into my own pony lore, I’d say Minty is some goober who lives in Paradise Estates, hoards socks, and has kleptomaniac tendencies. Also she always leads the town in its celebration of, like, any holiday ever.
> Tempest would have the same villain redemption arc as FiM canon, except it’d be made ever more ironic by her being half unicorn, half big sibling pony (hence her towering stance and non-leonid tail) and her long abandoned mission having involved friendship.
> (pls dont ask for requests thnx)
Dec 29, 2020
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