The storm kingdom and this commission will done by :iconchedx:
The storm inquisition is a group where they help the storm kingdom. They make sure that the storm king power is in check but also found a way to travel to skull crusher own world and slowly taking control for the storm king to rule as well.
Cozy Glow
But that’s not all, I also made skull crusher personal thoughts on each of the members, and I hope you like it.
As I grew my army and found other gods to join me I discovered that there is a group that is a part of the new storm kingdom but this group has found a way to my old world to take control for the storm king but also make sure people respect the new king and even erase the past. I don't know how they found a way to my old world but they are a threat to my world and even their own world.
One of the storm kingdom members is this teenage dragon named Garble which surprised me because I did see him a few times when I was with my love Ember. He told me that after his sister Smolder became one of the members of the storm six he did try to get her but sadly he failed and was torcherd by her. He then joined the Storm inquisition for a chance to save Smolde but he was placed in the lowest rank making it impossible for him to be saved. Despite the fact of what group he is in I felt sorry for him so I instead recruited him in my army. But now my daughter is visiting him to make sure he is ok.
Another member is an anthropomorphic cat named Catrina. I don't know much about this creature but I know that she joined this group because she wants to be safe and not be attacked by the new kingdom army. She then joined my group as she didn't want any trouble. I later learn that she is the mother of capper.
I was surprised that there was a filly as one of the members of the Storm inquisition. But don't let this one fool you sense she is two faced. At first you think she is all innocent but this filly is a twisted bitch. I learn her name was Cozy Glow and she made a followings of people saying that the storm army is there to help and take care of the ones that don't follow her sense she has a plan to be on the storm king good side and when the time comes she will deal with him to get his powers but I stop that before she can do a thing.
Another member was this centar name Tirek. I remember that the princess of friendship did fight this creature. Don't know for sure how he escaped from Tartarus but I have a feeling that the storm king did make some kind of deal with him and he joined him because that bastard told him he can do all the magic in my world.
I later learn that the maniac became a real thing and is wreaking havoc. This doesn't make any sense because I remember that she is ficanal in a comic book that Spike showed me a long time ago before this madness. I have a feeling that the weather tempest or another magic user made her become real. Real or not she needs to be stopped.
I count believing my eyes to see the elf god Corellon is a part of the storm inquisition. I don't know if that pointed ear pansy thinks that helping the storm king will somehow free the other elf gods or the fact he learns that I am alive and since my father is Grummsh he wants me dead. But it doesn't matter. I'm going to kick his ass for not only siding with the storm king but also for revenge for my father.