Looks like Sunny Buns doesn't want to be left out of the festivities either! Merry Christmas everypony, and thanks for looking!
Details Every part of the stocking pony is 100% hand-made from scratch! The stocking itself is made from scarlet minky and faux white rabbit’s fur for the trim (rabbit’s fur is so sooooooft! It’s the best), with a gold-embroidered cutie mark. The pony is made using a highly-modified version of my beanie pattern. It is not a full pony inside the stocking—only the waist up. The pony is permanently attached to the stocking, and as such the stocking itself is not usable, and you won’t be able to put anything inside the stocking. This plush is meant for decorative purposes. The overall dimensions are about 20” long and 6” wide.
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Twitter If you want to see more pics and progress shots of my girls as they're happening, check out my twitter! twitter.com/Peruserofpieces