> Clarion Call: sigh It was only really funny the first time round…And so, as we start our interview by getting right to the basics of Britannia’s rather long-winded moniker… we find ourselves going off on tangents…. Typical.
> Still, seems as though you were right, Discord. Our little journey through time isn’t having any problems so far. No time anomalies or paradoxes that I can detect. How are you even doing this?
> Discord:It’́s͞ al͢l in th͟e fing̨ęr̸s…
> ((check Ask King Sombra for Coffee Talk’s backstory and her work with The Vanhoover Press. North-western Equestria’s number one news source for cute animals, opinion pieces and barrel-scrapings))
Context is always important, as are properly linking crossover material.