Originally posted on: April 3, 2015, 2:03 AM UTC
> Pastel is best Pone
> Sea Salt and Donetta stumble upon the most beautiful Stallion they have ever seen.
> Let's watch.
> Tree used:
> [MLP Resource: Tree 03 by ZuTheSkunk](https://zutheskunk.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Resource-Tree-03-358705495)
> Pastel Belongs to [XNightMelody](https://xnightmelody.deviantart.com/) and I love him….
> Pastel is best Pone
> Sea Salt and Donetta stumble upon the most beautiful Stallion they have ever seen.
> Let's watch.
> Tree used:
> [MLP Resource: Tree 03 by ZuTheSkunk](https://zutheskunk.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Resource-Tree-03-358705495)
> Pastel Belongs to [XNightMelody](https://xnightmelody.deviantart.com/) and I love him….
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