
"Feel that, mon ami? It's gonna be a big one."
Meet Admiral Captain Archipelago Tonnerre! Back in the day, he was the leader of Celestia and Luna's navy, but now he's the captain of Equestria's biggest trade ship. His first mate is a distinguished and indefatigable mare named Petrichor Pariah, whose skills in navigation are rivaled only by her skills in swordsmanship. The two of them have grown close over their years of working together, and Petrichor is pretty much the only pony who isn't terrified of Archie when he's in "admiral mode." He plans to promote her to captain when he retires, but he's not telling her that any time soon. ("Best to keep her on her toes, make her think she has competition.")
Archipelago and his crew primarily handle trades with the dragon lands, which is how Archie met his wife, Teori. She's a big chubby salamander dragon and he loves her very much. He often stays in the dragon lands between voyages, helping out around the village and learning about dragon culture. The other dragons were initially hesitant to let a puny little purple pony into their village, but Archipelago quickly proved that, if provoked, he could be as brutish and rough-cut as any dragon.
Archie and Teori may or may not have a clutch of eggs and some baby draconies in their future…

Bought Archie from miyathegoldenflower and Petrichor from crazyaya!

updating because I just remembered how much I love this guy
lowkey i might use him as a plot device in the charity universe


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