All credit for the art goes to PrinceBlueMoon3 as the artist, and Astrum as the author of the fanfic, which was first posted in the comments section of >>2214867
All I did was make the original comment that indirectly inspired this whole thing, and upload these pictures of the adaptation.
> “Hi Gallus!”, Silverstream’s greeting yanked him back into reality. With his eyes also finding their way out of the tunnel vision, he realized Silverstream standing directly before him. Or he assumed she was; all he saw at first was a wall of pillowy, orchid-colored chest and upper stomach towering over him and swelling out toward his face, about a foot away from his beak. As he rose his head to look at her, his apprehension rose with it, and finally met his eyes with hers atop the mountain of luscious hippogriff. U-ummmm, h-…h-hi, S-S-Silverstream….”, he squeaked, his normally vibrant blue face having become a canvas painted with tomato red astonishment. His eyes exploded open as it finally dawned on him all that was before him. > > Silverstream was…Celestia, she was titanic, the first word he could consciously register and internally vocalize in what felt like a lifetime. As a hippogriff, she was already taller than most of the other students and even some of the school staff, but with her now present girth, she made him feel like a pitiful parasprite. Her whole body was ballooned to ludicrous proportions: her once thin neck had become a thick tree trunk topped with a couple of spare chins and bloated cheeks on that ever-lovely face of hers. Her neck-trunk led into a full, luxurious bosom, further padded by silky feathers, and her legs had become voluptuous cushions that tapered into small, slightly plump claws. Her round belly, despite Silverstream’s natural height, was so massive it almost brushed the ground; walking over a particularly tall piece of grass could cause a pleasantly ticklish sensation on her underbelly. Just as impressive was how wide it was. Even directly facing her, her girth visibly reached across the length of two grown stallions, enough to also fully cover both if they were placed under it. Add the fact that all of that girth, all of that splendid belly despite its incredible size and heft, swayed with a surprising elegance from Silverstream’s every movement. And flanking her gut was her was gigantic rump, two swollen and wobbling cakes jiggling and oscillating with her every step. It also astonishingly jutted out from her sides when facing her directly, adding more and even larger curves to her already gargantuan build. And to put more direct emphasis on her height, she utterly towered over Gallus by at least 2 feet, forcing him to crane his neck in order to look at her while up close. All together, the sheer size of her in every regard was almost daunting to him. It might’ve made the situation even more imposing, if not for her friendly demeanor and bubbly personality.