> In addition to this image, I thought I'd go over who our heroes are and what roles they would play in this hypothetical film:
> 1. Serena Williams — This story would feature a fictionalized version of the athlete where she is forced to retire from the sport of tennis due to an injury on her lower leg. Her legacy still reigns strong however, and Rich Uncle Pennybags lures her into the Hasbroverse to capitalize on that legacy. After meeting Twilight, the two decide to help each other out by working together to stop the evil mascot.
> 2. Twilight Sparkle — After Pennybags invaded Equestria, Twilight stayed behind to protect her world while her friends fled to other worlds in the Hasbroverse, reluctantly leaving her behind. She teams up with Serena and challenges Pennybags to a game of tennis in order to save the Hasbroverse, but her lack of experience in the sport and her tendency to overthink a situation causes her to fumble quite often. Thankfully Serena is there to help her out and the two become good friends overtime, especially after discovering a shared interest in books and reading.
> 3. Rainbow Dash — Rainbow Dash fled to the world of Cybertron from the Transformers franchise and became the first pegasus to join the Autobots in their fight against the Decepticons. After learning that Optimus Prime was kidnapped by Pennybags, she joins Twilight and Serena in their efforts to compete, becoming their coach.
> 4. Applejack — Applejack and her family moved to the world of GI Joe, finding prosperity with the Joes in their efforts against Cobra. Applejack is delighted to see Twilight again and decides to help out. In addition, she finds the opportunity to sell more of her family's apple products during the biggest sporting event in the Hasbroverse.
> 5. Rarity — Rarity became a world-famous fashion designer in the Jem and the Holograms world, designing for various celebrities and music bands. She joins Twilight and Serena, and designs their tennis uniforms which she describes as "Both fashionable and practical."
> 6. Pinkie Pie — Along with Fluttershy, Pinkie moved to the world of Littlest Pet Shop, opening up a combination pet/party store. A rather odd combination, but sustainable none the less. Pinkie joins Team Sparkle as their mascot and strangely, even had a costume prepared specifically for the occasion.
> 7. Fluttershy — Together with Pinkie, the two moved to the Littlest Pet Shop world to open their own pet/party store with Fluttershy taking care of the small animals within the shop. Her nursing experience aids well as she becomes a sports nurse for Serena and Twilight though she is reluctant to leave at first.
> 8. Spike — Spike fled to the world of Jem and Holograms along with Rarity to serve as her assistant at Twilight's behest for his safety. He didn't mind much due to his crush on the flashy unicorn, but was sad to leave Twilight behind either way. His role as Twi's go-to sidekick would be put to the test again however as he joins to be her's and Serena's water/towel boy for the game.
> 9. Discord — Knowing that Twilight and Serena will need a proper manager in order to compete, Fluttershy recruits the Lord of Chaos himself to join them. It is unknown what world he fled too, but it is clear that he had found prosperity as he has become rather wealthy.
> And that's our main cast. What did you think? These are just the good guys however. I'll be posting the bad guys at a later date.
> By the way, each of the outfits are references (Except for Serena's). Can you guess them all?