

(rainbow poofing clouds)
Gusty: Look at that rainbow go.
Megan Williams: Uh-huh, just a couple more clouds and we can start picking the cherries for Cherries Jubilee.
(rainbow poofing cloud)
Surprise: Woo-hoo, nice job!
Megan Williams: It sure was. OK, rainbow light, back where you belong!
Danny Williams: Ah, come on, Megan! Cut loose! Have some fun with this thing!
(the rainbow light coming with the Williams siblings and the ponies)
Megan Williams: Danny!
Danny Williams: What's wrong with the little rain! I mean it makes things grow, maybe even little sisters!
Molly Williams: Danny!
Danny Williams: Portable weather, great idea, huh, Megan?
Megan Williams: Cut it out and after age!
(the rainbow light coming)
Danny Williams: Hey look, I'm sorry. I'll put everything back the way it was.
(the heart locket glows)
(the rainbow getting away)
(the rainbow went poofing out the cloud and the rain away)
Danny Williams: I was just fooling around.
Megan Williams: The rainbow of light is the most powerful magic in the world. We can only use it once in a while and only for special things.
Danny Williams: Okay, okay, I got it.
(TV noises)
Danny Williams: Anyway, it's just as well. The sun's out. Get a load of this, say cheeseburger!
(camera flashes)
Danny Williams: We can go out for a flight and do aerial photography of Ponyland!
Surprise: Terrific, let's go!
Megan Williams: Danny, you be careful!
Danny Williams: We'll be fine!
Surprise: Let's just go straight!
Danny Williams: Sounds good to me! That was straight.
Surprise: Sure, but there's a tail wind today! (giggles)
(the gizmonks in the workshop)
Glouda: Oh, this is so exciting!
Gonk: It is, it is. And just wait it's gonna get even more exciting.
Glouda: We are gonna be the most famous gizmonks in the world!
Gonk: "Gonk and Glouda" the great inventors of the one and only steam powered multicasting double entwistle.
Glouda: Gamers of the only lesser crested snickle wacker in the world!
Gonk: Inventors of gadgets and gizmos and hyper super duper technical things!
Glouda: Some of which we don't even know what they are, yet!
Gizmonks: But here's a fun part.
(the songs begin)
Gonk: Inventing is such fun
In fact that's number one on our list
Give that dial a twist, ha, ha!
Glouda: Inventing is so great
Who knows what you'll create if you try
Put that out to dry
Gonk: We don’t always know what we've made
Glouda: But inventing gizmos, ha, ha, is a lovely trade
Oh, I'm impressed with us
Wait are you sure that's right?
Oh, oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Gizmonks: It's creating something no one else has done
Gonk: It's a gas
Glouda: Oh, it's a blast
Gizmonks: Inventing, inventing, inventing is such fun!
Glouda: Oh, I love it, I love it, I love it
Gizonks: Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Gonk: And soon, we'll have the neatest gadget of them all!
Glouda: The rainbow of light! Yeah, but we'll have to get it first!
(TV flashes of Danny and Surprise flying)
Glouda: Hey, did you see that?
Gonk: Huh, and look! Those two were the girl with had the rainbow!
Glouda: Execute, plan A.
(Meanwhile in Ponyland…)
Surprise: (giggles) That was the best landing we had yet!
Danny Williams: Yeah, oh, I still think I'm gonna make a saddle with seat belts!
Surprise: Where did this come from?
Danny Williams: I think maybe where that they came from? Uh, nice monster.
Monster: (blahs)
Surprise: Is this the start of being adventure?
Danny Williams: I'll get back to you on that.
(Danny and Surprise in the workshop)
Surprise: What a mess!
Gonk: All right, strangers! You have prisoners and resistance is useless! Give us that!
Danny Williams: Why should I?
(Gonk snaps)
Monster: (blahs)
Danny Williams: Uh, why shouldn't I hear?
(Gonk gives the Danny's backpack to Glouda)
(Gonk looks something in Danny's backpack)
Gonk: Trash!
Glouda: Garbage!
Gonk: Useless!
Danny Williams: Wait a minute! Not the walkman! No, it's a computer! Don't!
Glouda: But, no locket. So.
Gonk: Time to send the message! Drudge! Drudge!
Drudge: Yes, sir? Yes, ma'am?
Gonk: You are to go to Dream Valley and tell that girl with the locket that her brother and his pony friend are to be held here until they give us the locket with the rainbow of light!
Drudge: Yes, sir! Yes, ma'am! Whatever you say!
(Drudge going to ponyland to see his Williams siblings and the ponies)
Gonk: And in the meantime.
Danny Williams: Wow.
Surprise: Look at that.
Glouda: It won't be long now.
Danny Williams: We gotta find a way out of this place.
Surprise: But how, we're sealed in and locked up.
Danny Williams: Listen. (whispers)
Surprise: (giggles)
(In Ponyland, the Williams siblings and the ponies are picking the cherries for Cherries Jubilee)
Gusty: Last one, Megan.
Megan Williams: Thanks, Gusty. It went faster with your help.
Wind Whistler: Megan!
North Star: Did someone who's asked to see you?
Wind Whistler: It's something about Danny!
Megan Williams: What is it?
Drudge: The great gizmonks, Gonk and Glouda had set me to tell you that they have your brother in the pony, Surprise and we'll give them back to you when you give them the rainbow of light.
Megan Williams: Go home and tell the great gizmonks that I'll get back to them.
Drudge: Uh, fine.
Molly Williams: But, Megan?
Megan Williams: Wind Whistler, quick! Follow her! And as soon as we know where these gizmonks are, we'll figure out how to rescue them.
(Back to Danny and Surprise in the workshop)
Danny Williams: Boy, you guys have some really awesome techno-stuff in here.
Surprise: Yeah, awesome.
Gonk: Why, very perceptive of you.
Danny Williams: I really like that sub etheric discombobulated or you have over there.
Glouda: Well, uh, how nice.
(Drudge runs into the workshop)
Danny Williams: In that whistle!
Glouda: A entwistle.
Danny Williams: Yeah, it's radical.
Surprise: Really terrific.
Gizmonks: You think so?
(Drudge climbing and waved)
Surprise: Oh, we could really learn a lot from you.
Gonk: Ah, Drudge is back.
Drudge: Whoooaaaaaah! Oh!
Danny Williams: Hiya, Drudge.
Surprise: Are you alright?
Glouda: What about the girl?
Drudge: She said she's thinking it over and she'll get right back to you.
Glouda: Oh, all right. Drudge, let them out. But, don't you touch anything!
Surprise: Oh no, we won't touch anything.
Danny Williams: All this must taken years to put together.
(making noises)
(machine emergency)
(machine ringing)
Drudge: No, no, no, no, no! You mustn't!
Surprise: Oh, look at this terrific experiment!
Drudge: Oh, look out!
(animals chattering)
Drudge: Doing this on purpose.
Surprise: We sure are.
Danny Williams: We're gonna blow this joint!
Drudge: Please, take me with you!
(Megan, North Star, and Wind Whistler are flying into the workshop)
Wind Whistler: The creature wanted there, Megan.
North Star: We're never going to break into that place!
Wind Whistler: And what are those strange noises?
Megan Williams: Let's go down there.
(Back to the workshop)
Surprise: Hey, can you tell me what this is over here?
Glouda: Why, certainly.
(Danny and Drudge are saving these animals)
Danny Williams: All right!
Surprise: Thanks very much and that was all I wanted to know!
Gizmonks: Oh no! No rainbow is worth this!
(Megan, North Star, and Wind Whistler are staring the enemies)
Wind Whistler: Look!
North Star: Are they taking us?
(the enemies are getting out of the workshop by the gizmonks)
Gonk: Take them home!
Glouda: Take them home!
Wind Whistler: My goodness!
Megan Williams: Oh no!
Danny Williams: Hi, Megan.
Megan Williams: What have you two been up to?
Danny Williams: Being irresponsible.
Surprise: In a responsible way!
All: (laughing)
Monster: (laughing)
Danny Williams: Hey, Drudge. You okay?
Drudge: Yes, thanks to you too! You said it's free from the gizmonks and after we rebuild this place we'll start making some really useful things!
Wind Whistler: We'll help you anyway we can!
Drudge: Well, if Glouda and Gonk come back, just lend us these two heroes again.
Surprise: Ho, ho, it was nothing!
Danny Williams: We would it done it for anybody.
All: (laughing)
Megan Williams: Well, let's get home we miss all that Cherries Jubilee.
Danny Williams: Yum, I forgot!
Surprise: Right, heroes first!
All: (laughing)
(The End)


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