Born to Silly


> The Mortal Paper Fist said:
> Take a stroll through the town. It may help Moonflower clear her head before the ceremony. Also reassure her that we’ll always be there for her no matter what the future has in store.

As you cross the underlit wooden bridge back to the eastern side of town, the calming echoes of a dozen waterfalls drowns out the sound of your hoofsteps.

You glance over to Moonflower, who seems lost in thought, and give her neck a little encouraging nuzzle. The bat pony offers a smile and returns the gesture, yet worry soon takes hold of her expression once again.

Moonflower: "I know I always wanted to become the next Oracle, but now that it's happenin', I dunno if I'm ready anymore."

Apple Basket: "That's what bein' nervous does to ya. I gotta say, this whole Oracle business sure looks a full bushel more serious than I thought it was gonna be."

Moonflower: "Yuh uh."

You remind Moonflower that no matter what happens, you'll be there for her. Apple Basket nods in agreement.

Moonflower: "You're the best. S'just that… I know what I want — I want bat ponies to be friends with everypony else again —, but I dunno if that's what my clan wants.

A lot of 'em have been bitter for generations about gettin' cast out. And after a thousand years, s'gonna be really hard to get 'em to forgive other ponies. Even if the Oracle thinks I gotta compromise, I can't jus' give up on that."

Moonflower looks up at a nearby waterfall, as though looking for answers in the glittering magic within, raining down from the ceiling and into the glowing rivers below.

Apple Basket: "Well, if anypony can change their minds, I think it's gotta be the two of you. From what I've seen, makin' unlikely friendships might as well be your special talent."

A thoughtful moment passes. Then, Moonflower perks up, seemingly having just realized something.

Moonflower: "Wait! You're right! Maybe we can convince 'em. I know I gotta do all the talkin', but Blazer and I went on this trial together, so she should be there too! Right, Blazer?"

You grin, and respond that if she'll have you, then it would be your honour to be at her side during the ritual.

Moonflower: "Yay‼"

Apple Basket: "You're not thinkin' of doin' another love magic show, are ya?"

Moonflower: "Heeheehee! Nuh uh! I was thinkin' Blazer could hold the Yggdrasil seed, since she's the one who got it. Ooh, but what 'bout'cha, Basket?"

Apple Basket: "Heh, uh, I think I'll stay outta the spotlight on this one, if y'all don't mind."

Moonflower: "Oh, got'cha. You can jus' watch if ya want! Heehee…"

The young bat pony takes a deep breath, the better part of her confidence restored.

Moonflower: "I already feel a lot better knowin' I won't be doin' this alone. Still, I really gotta think about what I'm gonna say. Some o' those bats are super grumpy."

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