
Here is one I did a while back. I remember posting it in a Christian group for nerds and figured it fit due to how MLP was a nerdy thing. Especially with art. That is sort of my thing. I am a nerd in art and writing. Oddly enough I got cyber bullied over this. As a Christian it does sadden me how people don't get this much less apreciate art. Who makes the shows that their children watch? Hasbro hires grown people to do buisness not toddlers. I hope people understand just because I am Christian does not mean I don't see the foolish bullies. In ever Church there is a idiot from the village. In my case this line art I created was a reason for bashing me. Love who you are and don't let those around you get to you. I can be the only special me that I am. You can be the only special you that you can be. God Bless <3


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