
> Information:
> Name: Princess Magical Projection Sentry
> Son/Daughter of: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flash Sentry
> Equestrian Sign: Shinesis
> Age:16 years old
> Birthday: November
> Nicknames:Magical, Mah…
> Gender:Female
> Species:Unicorn
> Hometown: Ponyville
> Current Residence: Twilight's Castle
> Occupation: Royal Guard Student
> Cutie Mark:
> Magical Projection Cutie Mark by GihhBloonde
> Special Talent: Protect, Force Magical Spells and etc..
> Friends:
> Personality: bold, studious, over protective, lifemate, loyal , and good friend
> Flaws: anxious, competitive, questionable
> History
> ''Princess of Friendship Daughter Magical still can't handle with 'friends' she love practice magical stuff with her dad Flash sentry, she think that she's not born to rule Equestria she always want to protect her lovely familly, but when the villain kids come to her city she started to make friends included the mane 6 next gen.''
> Pink Heart Icon Short DiaryPink Heart Icon
> ''~Yeah I'm good on what I do, I don't think that I need to wait, I really want to do things to happen, because equestria can be in dangerous any day, and my brother can be the prince/king he always want to, but I really want to explore all the equestria to learn and be the best version of me soon, so my dad could be proud of me and maybe making me a royal guard leader, but I heard from a lot of ponies that I can't be a royal guard because I am a royal princess and don't know how to take care of myself, oof come on…''


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