
Vesper Winds

Age: 16

Family: Unknown biological Mother, Rarity Belle (adoptive mother) Fancy Pants (“step-dad”) Luminous Rosé & Viridian Sage (adoptive siblings)

Occupation: Canterlot

Cutie Mark: Skates and bubbles

Talent: Rollerblading & skateboarding
After being handed into Rarity’s custody as a newborn by her biological mother, Vesper has spent her whole life in the BellePants family. Although she doesn’t exactly fit in as Fancy says.

She’s got a great relationship with her mother and siblings but she has little to no relationship with Fancy. She doesn’t even call him dad like she calls Rarity mom, they’re formal but heavily dislike each other and often fight. Mainly because Fancy has never seen or treated her as his daughter, but more of an annoying guest.

Despite it she’s quite happy and loves her mom and siblings. She’s quite the bold daredevil and often mistaken as Rainbow Dash’s child instead (Not that she minds).


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