
> Name: Fire Ruby
> Parents: Rarity and Spike
> Age: 25
> General Bio:
> Fire Ruby is the most down-to-Earth and successful members of the next gen. He figured out his talent very early after watching Rarity make some accessories for an outfit. She asked him for some help by holding the piece with his claws. Ruby helped her heat it up with his fire breathe and since he became hooked on helping her. After some time Rarity sent him to Sassy Saddles and Trenderhoof to learn some new techniques. His apprenticeship really took off and with the help of all three of them, he opened his own shop. Ruby has become a huge name for all of the celebrity ponies and he and Rarity have an amazing business relationship. It helps that he's extremely self-motivated, driven, and goal-oriented.
> Relationships:
> Rarity and Fire Ruby have a great business partnership. The two work great together and work well on projects. As mother and son they seem a little cold. Unless their talking about fashion they don't have that much in common.
> Spike and Fire Ruby are super close. They have a total bro relationship and Spike is very relaxed around his son. He let him get away with way too much as a colt. Thanks to Spike, Ruby is just as much into sports as he is into fashion.
> Ruby and Skyla, the daughter of Cadence and Shining Armor, are close friends. The two went to school together and became closer after he began working with Skyla's girlfriend's parents. They have a lot of fun together and tend to be seen trotting around the Crystal Empire, looking at the latest fashion. He's very supportive of her goal of being a crystal princess.
> Ivory Lace is one of Ruby's closest friends. She's the girlfriend of Skyla as well as the daughter of Sassy Saddles and Trenderhoof. During his apprenticeship he spent a lot of time with Ivy. The two are like brother and sister and tend to joke around and wrestle. She was the sister he always wanted and he was the brother she always dreamed of having. According to both Skyla and Ivy they plan on having him be their joint best man at their wedding.
> Talent/Abilities:
> Ruby is a professional jeweler and works with Rarity, Sassy Saddles, and Trenderhoof off and on. He can breathe fire and has extreme dexterity in his claws.


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