> Glide Zen art by BeamyButt
> Name: Glide Zen
> **
> Nickname(s): Zen, Zenny, Glide, Mello Chello**
> **
> Species: Pegasus**
> **
> Gender: Stallion**
> **
> Parents: AppleJack (Mother) x Prince BlueBlood (Father)**
> **
> Sibling(s): None**
> **
> Place of Birth: Cloudsdale**
> **
> Place of Residence: Ponyville**
> **
> Occupatio****n: Soulful musician
> After a drunk one night stand With Prince Blueblood at the Grand Galloping Gala, Spitfire not long after became pregnant and gave birth to Glide Zen. No pony still knows how his sweet, charming and calm nature came to be especially with his mothers very stern and heavy nature and his fathers very blunt and rude nature mixed together apparently makes a toatlly differnt foal.
> Prince Blueblood didn't want anything to do with him at the start of his foalhood but as he grew up he realised that he could do with someone following his footsteps but Glide Zen didn't want anythign to do with him and wanted to follow his own footpath in becoming a musician/singer.
> His soft voice mello's through a lot of mare's hearts but he hasn't been interested in a mate just yet (will change later on if find one for him).
> Him and Syphony core have done a few small music/singing collabs together and have become good friends ever since.
> He loves to play the small Ukelele, Chello or Guitar and he has even done some violin.**
> Design and character belongs to me
> Original designer by [Tigerblade14](https://www.deviantart.com/tigerblade14)