Garble wasn't excited about Smolder bringing home a dinner guest with absolutely no heads-up, but he wasn't going to be a bad host either. He told Smolder and Spike to go dig up more gems while he took care of the rest. For the next few hours Garble was busy procuring extra ingredients and processing them into dishes. To any dragon in the vicinity, the smell would have been amazing. Smolder and Spike's mouths started to water as they approached Garble's place with their gems. These smells were unlike anything Spike had ever encountered before. He wasn't expecting gingerbread and fruitcake, but he was not expecting to find what he did either. To his shock and horror, there were whole animals served on platters!
Garble had taken care not to hunt anything Spike might find cute or cuddly. Most of the dishes he had cooked were fish or seafood. Seeing that her brother's patience had just about completely run out, Smolder shoved one of the emerald crunchy wraps with cooked shrimp into Spike's mouth. As if Spike wasn't shocked and horrified enough before, he found himself immensely enjoying the taste. Before long he was wolfing down food like a maniac, while crying the entire time. Garble went back from being annoyed to feeling bad for Spike. Those ponies gave this runt some issues, man! Garble let Spike have his own wrap. The kid needed it more than he did. While he was distracted, Smolder tried to sneak some of his roasted snapper, but she backed down when he gave her a threatening look.
Spike particularly enjoyed the Cariole-ina Reaper peppers and the gold flake and jade pilaf. He thought the dragon fruit was a bit bland, though. He was told to eat plenty, because with his stories he wasn't going to win any gems!
—- I'm not super happy with how this turned out and I had to make the food less detailed so the characters wouldn't look too out of place.