> Opportunity Awaits!
> *It's the annual fun fair at Canterlot High and the OT3 are out trying their hand at fun and games.
> Strike just kicked butt on the obstacle course (and got a bit banged up in the process while managing to Pony up somehow…) and since the Floral Arrangement Ceremony isn't till late afternoon, Fable and Strike are trying to get Polly psyched to enter the Bake Off. It wasn't exactly hard to do by the look on her face.*
> I will be doing base related pics until we move, they help my mind immensely.
> Fire Strike [3vilpyro](https://www.deviantart.com/3vilpyro/)
> Fable: [xBeautifulDreamerx](https://www.deviantart.com/xbeautifuldreamerx/)
> Polly: [Khimi-chan](https://www.deviantart.com/khimi-chan/)
> Base Used:
> [~EQG Base///Bitch are you blind by KingRipple](https://www.deviantart.com/kingripple/art/EQG-Base-Bitch-are-you-blind-721625536)
> Base Credit: [KingRipple](https://www.deviantart.com/kingripple)