> Ponysona: EmberLilly
> THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HAS WATCHED ME!!!! I have reached the 200 mark!!! [Party Hard!](https://zorasteam.deviantart.com/art/Party-Hard-472080548) I'm so HAPPY YO!!!!
> (I'm at 215 but who's counting >v>; ) I love you all thank you so much for your support! <3
> The pony above is my ponysona, EmberLilly. she is me as a pony 😁 she has 3 pets 2 dogs and a snake (like me).
> Her cutiemark is a lily pad, but the pad part is a paint tray so there a dabs of different paint on there (watercolor paint of course 😁) and there a little ember sparks above the flower w
> you guys will see more of her!! and feel free to ask questions I just may answer them with pics [Professor Party](https://popstck.deviantart.com/art/Professor-Party-196708720)
> anywho, enjoy! <3
> Art/ EmberLilly: by me :icon ask-y:
> No copying or stealing (fan art always welcome! just link meh ;P)