Por su actitud arrogante, Bismark tiene un mote que en escencia parece inocente. "Nimbooda", que significa "limòn" (limòn pequeño), por su tamaño y amargura.
Sin embargo, a diferencia de los "mala copa", Bismark limòn se convierte en durazno, pasando de áspera y amarga a suave y dulce. Verla borracha es algo por lo general bueno y muy bien recibido entre sus colegas.
For his arrogant attitude, Bismark has a nickname that in essence seems innocent. "Nimbooda", which means "lemon" (small lemon), due to its size and bitterness.
However, unlike the "bad glass", Bismark lemon turns into a peach, going from rough and bitter to smooth and sweet. Seeing her drunk is generally a good thing and very well received by her colleagues.