(English translation here done by TheOneAJ, see the origin Dutch and English version on DA)
Setup: it was a normal type of ninja warrior-type event, that was until a clocked figure stormed the stage and stormed the stage, only for the spectacular seven to give chance and comfort the unknown villain at the front of the school
Sunset Shimmer: It’s over, whoever you are!
Rainbow Dash: Exactly, now return the trophy! Applejack and I won it fairly and square. Hand it over, before we get to kicking your butt!
Applejack: Why do you want it anyway? You didn‘t even take part in the competition.
Villain: Simple-minded females, you have no idea what this thing really is.
Twilight: Hey! Who do think you are, calling us the ‘simple-minded’ ones here? It looks like a very common trophy to me.
Rarity: And not even a pretty looking one. (Sticks out her tongue). Save for that eye-catcher of a gem on the front.
Villain: The sheet metal is worthless, you can have it back (seperates stone from the trophy and throws it at their feet) but the stone in question is definitely desirable.
Pinkie Pie: Still no reason to steal, you meanie! What do you want with that stone anyway?
Rainbow Dash: Doesn’t matter. You give us the whole that stone right now, or else!
Villain: I would be more careful if I were you. (Holds the stone up so it sparkles in the sun) With this, I can make you completely defenseless and miserable with just two applications.
Fluttershy: Wha… (takes a steps back) What do you mean by that?
Villain: Well first of all… THIS!
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