
Originally posted on: September 22, 2018, 8:05 PM UTC
> { Begone, foeman! }
> /17.02.18/
> EDIT: Unfortunately, DeviantArt do not support any link to Issuu…so…I can't leave a direct link to that online magazine. You'll have to look for it on your own ;; Just go to Issuu ( i guess ) and look for Equestria Times 2/2018. Sorry for any drawbacks ;;
> Hi there guys! It's been a while now, huh? Well, school loves to be in the middle of my attention, so…I had to study for some tests etc. Typical.
> This piece is a little bit old actually ( look above ekhm )! It was one of my first full-coloured works I've made in Fire Alpaca (!). I remember that it was pure suffering when I was working on it…because I had a bick lack of expirience in drawing digitally. But look at those results — they aren't that bad, right?
> Drawing some…robo-lestia (?) was a but difficult. I'm not used to draw robotic stuff. Or robots at all! So…I had to use my imagination a bit to create something like…this. Because of the work's ''freshness'', there are some mistakes ( for example — Celestia's horn ).
> Basically, it is an illustration for a fanfic review that was published in an online magazine — Equestria Times ( um yeah, I kinda work for them? / w \ ). However this magazine is made by polish bronies and pegasisters, so…if you're from Poland and/or you can read sum polish…then go on! ( I'll leave it in the comments! )
> Programs used: Fire Alpaca ( drawing ), Photomosh ( editing )
> Time taken: two days
> I hope you'll like it! Stay tuned for more!


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