
Originally posted on: December 26, 2018, 12:13 AM UTC
> Transformers Animated Blitzwing pony
> Decepticons: Blitzwing
> Ze name iz Blitzwing, insect; remember it, Cause it's ze last
> thing you're gonna hear before I-express my feeling in song!
> Blitzwing not only has three modes (robot,
> jet, and tank), he also has three alternate
> personalities (an "icy cold strategist, a shot-
> tempered "Hothead", and total "Random"
> nutcase) along with the faces rattling around
> in his head to go with them He's as liable to
> have a conversation with himself as he is to
> say a word to his fellow Decepticons. Pretty
> much the only thing that keeps him in line is
> that all three of his personalities are scared to
> death of Megatron


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