> WizardMoonDiamond
> Name: MoonDiamond
> sex: girl
> Age 16
> Hight: 9'8'
> Weight: 170lbs
> Personal quote: have no fear WizardMoondDiamond
> is here ahahahah!!
> backStory:
> Long ago when she little fill she want to be a Wizard just
> like Starwirl great is hero and magic. One day she came
> Wizard study hard with her books magic powers but she had
> to keep bat Crystal code we can not tell anyponys bats can use magic
> She decide to keep the code and a secrets to like her Parents said.
> we can't tell or show to anyponys in equestria there will be a war to
> earth ponies, unicorn ponies, and pegasus ponnies. she remembers
> what her parents said she will not show it or tell it. in her quest
> to be a greats wizard. she decide to move out to ponyville said
> goodbye to her family take carry and self secrets.
> her parents sent a letter to the princess of Celestial.
> Aegann@