
"Say! You look a whole lot like that princess, the Equestrian one. You've oughta know the one, news been circlin' 'round here like wildfire. Ya hear she killed her sister, or somethin' like that? Princess… Cassandra, I think it was."

"Never heard of her."


I've mentioned before that Cassie leaves Equestria after she has the accident with Flurry. She was officially banished (by a jury, during her trial), and is not permitted to return for a minimum of 10 years. When that 10 year period is over, she doesn't plan on going back anyway.

This takes place right after she leaves, so, before she chops her mane in half. It's hard for her to change her physical colors, so she takes on an Earth Pony disguise for a little while. Obviously, though, it's not a very good one, and using so much magic to disguise herself ends up exhausting her.

She travels far beyond "mapped" Equestria, but even in the corners of the world she hears the rumors about "Nattari," a word that directly translates to "Runaway Princess." News is unreliable in these parts, and journalists will spin the story into whatever is guaranteed to sell in bulk. This is why Flurry Heart becomes Cassie's sister in these versions, and also why it's claimed Cassie killed her. They also got her name wrong. Her full name is Cassiopeia.

Her picture (which is just a drawing) spreads around, and this is why she's so often recognized, even by ponies who have never lived within Equestrian borders. She is infamous practically everywhere, so she travels around a lot to avoid being recognized, and has run solo for the past 4 or so years.

Sadly, she just kind of wanders around, looking for any short-term job that'll get her enough coin for food. Flurry, in the meantime, is alive and recovering, but all Cassie hears about is that Flurry died after the accident. For all she knows, that's true. She has no idea if Flurry survived, and that guilt weighs her down every day.


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