
Originally posted on: August 5, 2019, 6:40 PM UTC
> COMISSIONZ ( plz read disc )
> /05.08.19/
> EDIT : Just changed some prices in PLN
> Hey yeah, I finally managed to put it all together!!
> Here's my price list, and as mentioned in it — for some info you gotta ask :'3
> Propably I'll re-make it in the future, add some more options and rules(?) ( you know, to be more professional )
> ONE LITTLE THING: I have a little queue of ppl, waiting for their art for like, half a year, so PLEASE remain patient if I won't finish your piece turbo fast
> I also have some art trades, projects, and lots of stuff to do, so it will rather be… a slower process, I am so sorry ;;
> ANOTHER SMALL THING: My art style is still evolving! I experiment a lot with my art, I do not have a consistent art style, so one work will be slightly different form another!
> If you're interested you can send me a message ( preferably here on deviantart ) and I'll add you to the queue, so that I won't forget!
> If you have any questions — feel free to ask!


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