Hai! =w= So first of all, it is NOT my redesign of Rainbow Dash. Oryginal redesign creator is—→ [WanderingPegasus](https://www.deviantart.com/wanderingpegasus) I couldn't stop myself from drawing her ♥ She's GOREGOUS!
Some words to the redesign's creator-→ I'm sorry I didn't ask you. Obviously I mentioned you WanderingPegasus as a creator but if there's sth wrong, tell me please and i will delete this pic immediately! ♥
Have a nice morning/day/evening/night! =w= Btw, if ya wanna support my arts, animations and projects or commission me—→ check my Ko-Fi! ♥ [ko-fi.com/spectrasus](https://ko-fi.com/spectrasus)